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Explore our collection of captivating episodes that tackle pressing issues, unravel untold stories, and bridge generations. Each episode is a journey through time, inviting you to connect with history on a personal level.

How do democracies die?

Is our democracy in danger? In the years after Trump’s presidency, it’s tempting to say “not anymore,” but nowadays threats to democracy are no longer as obvious as a military coup or revolution. Instead, a democracy in danger manifests in much more subtle ways including: the steady decline of longstanding political norms and weakening of essential institutions such as the United States press and its courts system, both of which are already in jeopardy.

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Did the American Civil War ever truly end?

Although the American Civil War ended many years ago, the fight for “a more perfect union” never quite did. A few months after the union army’s victory, confederate-style, white supremacist resistance emerged even stronger than before.

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How does naval domination control who runs the world?

In the 1930s, six naval powers roamed the world’s oceans: Great Britain, the United States, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan. Each nation was subject to the Washington Naval Treaty, which granted 60% of the world’s battleships to the Royal and US Navy, 20% to Japan, and 20% to France and Italy. However by 1945, the United States Navy had expanded to a fleet larger than that of all the great powers. What exactly did that mean in the wake of WWII?

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Was the fall of the USSR inevitable?

By 1945, the Soviet Union was a founding member of the United Nations and a lobal superpower controlling half of Europe. By 1991, with five thousand nuclear missiles at its disposal and an army four million strong, the USSR was a formidable rival for the United States. But by the end of the year, the union would meet its untimely demise.

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Is the U.S. government spying on its own citizens?

As human beings, our privacy is one of our most basic needs and most sacred rights. However, in the modern information age, these rights are constantly under attack. How does the American federal government collect our data and what happens when the institutions meant to protect our privacy opts to instead use that information for their gain?

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What does history teach us about the future of technology?

Technology plays a vital role in our society day-to-day, but what exactly is our role when it comes to managing our tech? How do our internal biases impact the products we create? Can technological advances actually be “neutral” as a product of human imagination? These are all questions to consider as we take a look at how human and computational infrastructures overlap.

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Is mass incarceration doing more harm than good?

More American residents are behind bars than any other nation. While the US Criminal Justice System was established to regulate peace and order, it has since become the catalyst for criminalizing people of color. Fueled by initiatives like Nixon’s “War on Drugs” campaign, which unfairly targeted communities of color, mass incarceration has steadily been on the rise. Despite the staggering amount of people behind bars, the crime rates haven’t exactly been on the decline, raising the question: do prisons actually keep us safe?

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Expanded Narratives Amol Gawde Expanded Narratives Amol Gawde

What is religious racism, and how has it progressed from past to present?

The first amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that everyone has the right to practice his or her own religion or no religion at all. A similar guarantee exists in Canada under its Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, this right to religious freedom hasn’t necessarily been assured for practitioners of traditional African religions throughout history in North America.

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Our team of young producers takes the reins, infusing every episode with creativity, curiosity, and fresh perspectives. Join us as we navigate the past and present, sparking meaningful conversations along the way.

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