Listen To UnTextbooked Episodes

Explore our collection of captivating episodes that tackle pressing issues, unravel untold stories, and bridge generations. Each episode is a journey through time, inviting you to connect with history on a personal level.

Did the American Civil War ever truly end?

Although the American Civil War ended many years ago, the fight for “a more perfect union” never quite did. A few months after the union army’s victory, confederate-style, white supremacist resistance emerged even stronger than before.

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Was the fall of the USSR inevitable?

By 1945, the Soviet Union was a founding member of the United Nations and a lobal superpower controlling half of Europe. By 1991, with five thousand nuclear missiles at its disposal and an army four million strong, the USSR was a formidable rival for the United States. But by the end of the year, the union would meet its untimely demise.

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Is mass incarceration doing more harm than good?

More American residents are behind bars than any other nation. While the US Criminal Justice System was established to regulate peace and order, it has since become the catalyst for criminalizing people of color. Fueled by initiatives like Nixon’s “War on Drugs” campaign, which unfairly targeted communities of color, mass incarceration has steadily been on the rise. Despite the staggering amount of people behind bars, the crime rates haven’t exactly been on the decline, raising the question: do prisons actually keep us safe?

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Great Debates Amol Gawde Great Debates Amol Gawde

Were history’s greatest leaders generalists or specialists?

The Greek poet Archilochus said “a fox knows many things, a hedgehog knows one big thing.”

This phrase inspired a famous essay by a 20th century philosopher named Isaiah Berlin, who said that pretty much all people can be categorized as either “foxes” or “hedgehogs”. Foxes tend to be agile and perceptive, whereas hedgehogs tend to be resolute and hyper-focused on their end goal.

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Great Debates Amol Gawde Great Debates Amol Gawde

Does population control work?

A hundred years ago, there were roughly 2 billion people in the world. Today, there are almost 8 billion.

This rapid quadrupling of the world’s population has people asking, is the planet overpopulated? Some say, yes. Others say that it’s not so simple.

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Great Debates Amol Gawde Great Debates Amol Gawde

How a Black teenager and his young lawyer changed America’s criminal justice system.

Picture this: You’re nineteen years old, it’s a summer afternoon, and you’re driving around your hometown. You notice a group of other teenagers on the side of the road. As you get closer you realize that two of them are your cousin and nephew. You can tell by body language that things are getting heated, tempers are flaring. So you pull over. You get out of your car. You step in between your family and the other teenagers that are trying to fight them, and in the process you put your hand on the other kid’s arm.

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Our team of young producers takes the reins, infusing every episode with creativity, curiosity, and fresh perspectives. Join us as we navigate the past and present, sparking meaningful conversations along the way.

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